STRESS ..enough said
STRESS....the 4 letter silent killer. Is it really silent though? As we live in this world there are so many things that are thrown at us daily that could send anyone into a spiraling web of stress. Between bills, work, raising kids, health, living a moral life, relationships (both with spouses, family, and everyone else), cleaning, and everything else that life has to offer it is understandable that we everyone gets stressed sometimes.
I remember being a little girl and hearing adults talk about stress. I wondered how could that really feel. I actually wished to feel it so that I could experience this emotion. What a silly girl I was.
As an adult, I am constantly try to find ways to cope with the stresses of my everyday life. Trying to build a successful business for myself. Trying to raise respectful, healthy, and intelligent children. Having a solid, long lasting marriage. Taking care of the house and all of the financial woes that are thrown my way. I have to make a mental note every single day to do something to alleviate any stress building up inside of me before bed in the morning and when I wake up.
Here are some things you can do to try and life with less stress:
Do breathing exercises. I make it a point several times throughout the day to just stop and breathe. It sounds so simple, yet it is so powerful. When you are feeling overwhelmed or just need a quick refresh, stop and breathing exercise. Take a deep breath and fill your lungs. Hold that breath for 4 seconds, then open your mouth, relax your entire face and slowly let the breath out. Repeat 3 or 4 times.
Don't try to do everything yourself. Use that support system you have and don't harbor any bad feelings or worries. If you don't have someone you trust to talk to, or you don't want anyone really knowing your business there are still plenty ways to let go. Get a journal and write things down. Reach out to a counselor or therapist.
Try meditation
Focus on the positive side of every situation, no matter how bad things are
Get up and get some exercise! This is easy, free, and can make you feel fantastic. I know the idea of exercising sometimes seems daunting, but the benefits are so worth it.
Have a laughing session. Find something to make you laugh, and if you can't just start laughing looking at yourself in the mirror.
Drink some tea.
I hope some of these help you to live your wonderful life to the best of your abilities.