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Parents give your kid a chance with the bullies!

I don't use the word hate very often. Because there are a very few things that I absolutely hate. I hate seafood. I hate okra, peas, asparagus, eggplant, and the herb sage. What I hate the most are bullies!!!

There is never an excuse to bully someone or make anyone feel as if they are less than. With that being said, this post is to some parents out there. This is not an attack, but a service announcement.

As a parent, I want nothing more than my children to be happy. To feel confident and secure within themselves. I couldn't help but notice something that bugged me in the morning when dropping my 8th grade daughter off at school. There is always this boy, his grade unknown, who gets out of his parents nice vehicle and instantly I feel like his parents aren't giving this kid a chance. He gets out of the car with pants that look as if he outgrew them years ago, that are hovering above the kids ankles. Then he has on either gray or white long tube socks going up underneath the pants.

Look, I in no way believe in following or attempting to fit in, but I think this is ridiculous. Why don't parents realize yo are giving the insecure bullies ammo to go after your child? Not every kid needs to wear $100 name brand gym shoes or expensive name brand clothing. But, as a parent, why can't you at least put your child in clothing that fits him? From my car every morning I look at this kid as a target for these cruel kids in school.

Do I know for sure that this kid is bullied? No! I pray to god that he isn't. I understand that people have hard times and can't always afford new clothing for their children. Considering we live in a brand new home community,

you would think that parents sending their children to school can at least afford a few pairs of correct fitting pants.

This is not an attack. I am not judging. I am merely asking you to please give your kid a chance to avoid being the bunt of cruel jokes. There are second hand stores that have really nice items. I know some parents don't seem to process things the way I do. There are plenty of parents out there that never experienced the cruelty of bullies. My mom was one of them. She still to this day can't process what I went through. Therefore, when she was sending me to school she didn't think of things the way I am thinking of them for my children.

I promote being unique to my kids constantly. I also want to equip them with what they need necessary to feel confident in their own skin. Bullies come at people for just about anything they can think of. Parents please stop putting a target on your child's back.

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