Feeding Minds, Spirits, and Bellies!
Where we focus on self-esteem, manifestation, and living the best life possible.
6 Week Group Coaching Program Starts in less than 4 weeks Sign Up Today. Space is Limited!

Inspiration and motivation are so important when you are working on becoming a better version of yourself. Throughout the years Da'Veta has done tons of research to find ways to help better herself and her mind. She sought out ways to help heal past pains, let go of the past, overcoming fear, fight depression, and most importantly how to manifest the life she wanted.
While on this journey she found plenty of great sites and possible mentors. The only problem was anytime she found a course or mentor there were high prices for their help and at the time unaffordable fees. Although she totally agrees that it takes money to make money, just because you may not be in a position to invest in yourself at that moment doesn't mean you don't want or deserve the help. Her entire purpose has always been to help others. So she created this wonderful service that is free to anyone who wants or needs it called, "The Life-Changing Moment". Check out each lesson and exercise and enjoy each Life Changing Moment!
Moment 1
Moment 2
Moment 3
Moment 4
Moment 5
Moment 6
Moment 7
Moment 8
Moment 9
Moment 10
Moment 11
Moment 12
Moment 13
Moment 14
Moment 15
Moment 16
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Moment 20